| have completed secondary education with experience as a prefect and year leader of my group.l am a sixth form student pursuing a business course. | am a hard working individual with a great mind for success.As a young adult my focus is on how to succeed in any environment | find myself in.I concern myself with skills that will elevate me in life.| have good computing skills and | am a fast learner. am looking for an opportunity that will prepare me for the future ahead.
Part -time employment serving customers food,drinks and more whilst i work on the tills with my colleagues. Also currently being taught more Hospitality Training. Usually work on weekends as I am a attend sixth form five times a day. But can also work anytime after 4:30pm
Part -time employment helping customers on the shop floor, work at till, work in the stock room too
Trinity Health Care Plus Ltd. is a CQC-approved family run by Domiciliary Care Agency working across London and Greater London boroughs.In July of 2022, worked at Trinity HealthCare Plus as an Administrative Assistant. worked in the office where assisted with activities such as filling in and fixing client documents online and in hand, printing out booklets as it was a given task that was given to me. This was only as a non-profit work experience where learnt many things including teamwork, time management and participating skills which improved my communication skills.