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Katherine Warner

Senior Assistant Merchandiser

Senior Assistant Merchandiser at ASOS.com Street brands.

Previous Brands
ASOS.com Brands
ASOS Design
Work Experience
Senior Assistant Merchandiser
Jan ‘20 - Now
ASOS.com Brands

• Senior Assistant Merchandiser currently working alongside the Junior Merchandiser on the Street brands department across both Menswear and Womenswear managing all clothing and non-clothing product categories. Annual gross sales of £90m. • Currently manage a brand porQolio with annual turnover at £50m (e.g CarharT WIP, Lacoste, Farah, HUF, Obey) • Worked on the EU Heritage branded department alongside the Senior Merchandiser. Annual gross sales £100m – managed a brand porQolio with annual turnover at £40m (e.g. Barbour, AllSaints, Hugo Boss) • Forecast all KPIs on WSSIs by product group for 3 separate warehouses (UK, US and EU) and also for each brand I manage. • Building and maintaining strong rela_onships with my brands, having weekly/bi weekly catch ups on trade and intake and regular longer term strategy mee_ngs. • Managing all finance deadlines for the department and presen_ng any key changes and ac_ons to the Junior Merchandiser and Head of Category (High Summer/Cold Weather intake roll ups, monthly op_ons/ALB/go live forecasts, intake margin forecasts) • Manage 2 Merchandising Admin Assistants on day to day tasks and wider development by having bi-weekly 121s and going through objec_ves. • Work alongside the Junior Merchandiser to plan forward strategies for all 30 brands on the department (all KPI's, core/seasonal mixes and warehouse mixes) and present this back to the Head of Category and Director for each season. • Providing detailed OTB, ALB and op_on plans for each brand's buy appointment by product category based on forward strategy and trade analysis. • Going to buy appointments and range building with the buying side. Presen_ng these buys back in sign ofs with the Head of Category. • Monthly trade mee_ngs with the Head of to review sales by brand and product group and to highlight any WSSI reforecasts based on risks and opportuni_es. • Managing NOOS lines across underwear, tops, boToms and accessories ensuring all sizes are available in all 3 warehouses all year round. • Working alongside junior AMs on the department and helping the Junior Merchandiser with their development in terms of training on deadlines. • Buddy for AM new starters, being a point of contact for any training and general catch ups about well-being. • AM rep to escalate issues within the AM community and come up with resolu_ons – for example, rolling out addi_onal training for certain finance deadlines.

Assistant Merchandiser
Mar ‘19 - Jan ‘20
ASOS Design

• Assistant Merchandiser working alongside the Senior Merchandiser on the Menswear ASOS Design Fashion and Basic Jersey departments. Annual gross sales of £70m. • Managed produc_on planners for the top 5 suppliers across all of the jersey and leisure departments, ensuring suppliers had monthly produc_on unit forecasts to help them manage factory capaci_es. • Lead the set up in the ASOS Design basics page alongside the trade op_misa_on team with weekly page refreshes focussed on the best product edit. • Managed over 300 NOOS lines (5% of these were in the ASOS Design top 10 unit sellers each week (t-shirts, mul_packs, vests and polos) • Worked with both short lead and long lead suppliers using long lead to maximise margin and short lead to maximise speed to market on trends. • Mee_ng weekly intake targets set by the intake planning department for each of the 3 warehouses and ensuring that any risks to this were escalated and resolved. • Managing in season trading for repeats, cancella_ons, phasing or pulling stock forward.

Merchandising Admin Assistant
Sep ‘15 - Mar ‘19

• Merchandising Admin Assistant for ASOS Design Menswear Outerwear repor_ng directly to the Merchandiser. Annual gross sales of £50m. • Prepared weekly trading reports to analyse performance on the department. • Managed long lead flow lines from China, India and Turkey on seasonal product. • Monthly sizing analysis to ensure ra_os are accurate. • Leading weekly intake mee_ngs to highlight risks and sugges_ng ac_ons (phasing, cancella_ons, stock swaps, CPRs) • Pricing reviews alongside the buying side to suggest any changes based on compe__on and trade. • Maintaining the delivery schedule accurately to ensure all informa_on is correct and can be used by the whole team for deadlines.

English - Native
Education & Training
University of Leeds
Unknown - ‘15
Upper 2nd Class Degree in Business Management
Edmonton Country School
London, UK