Currently studying at @King's College London and a former student of the @Wharton School University of Pennsylvania, I originally come from France.I am deeply interested in the luxury industry, and more specifically in finance, management, and marketing!
• Helped manage Exhibition welcoming 165,000 guests in team of 20. Surpassed visitor target by 91.%. • Designed survey of 350 visitors for CRM and analyzed data using Excel. Convinced the establishment of pop-up store for next Exhibition. • Interviewed 100+ millennial visitors. Highlighted discrepancy between Tiffany's price point and consumer's impression for 20% of millennials. Results send to President EMEA. Received offer to return.
• Supported acquisition for lands and warehouses for 1 MNE in Calais. Brought 500 jobs in the region. • Translated articles and foreign competitors' websites to adjust the agency's CVP.
Discovered lack of premium lingerie brands in their clienteles. Listed 15+ potential buyers.