As an assured Deputy Manager with strong time management and communication skills, I thrive in dynamic retail environments. My experience includes client advising, upselling, and store maintenance. Adaptable and team-oriented, my background in fashion modelling adds valuable industry insight.
This Job currently has given me confidence to grow as a person, especially taking on a massive role at 18 years old. It has taught me many things such as being organised, working confidently as an individual, but also in a team, and most importantly time management skills, and communication skill.
My current job is managing an Ultrasound Clinic where I meet a range of people coming in for scans; I believe I have a strong social side to me where I can change my ways depending on the situation at work. Since being here, outcomes of many pregnancies have been upsetting, happy and sometimes unfortunate. Being a Deputy Manager at 18 has been a massive achievement for me and has helped me develop into a much better work character and even helping others develop along with me.
During my time at college, I developed a strong passion for Law and decided to take this further and make my dream a reality. Of course, I must start somewhere and so I made it known to many Law firms that I was interested in getting to know what it is like to work as a legal personnel day to day. I found that Rosemary Smith Solicitors was interested in me working with them, helping to file, sending letters, meeting clients and attending important meetings to gain some legal knowledge and legal insight into the subject. I attended here for 6 weeks.
At the same time as working at Rosemary Smith Solicitors, I took my legal work experience further and worked with the founder of KB Solicitors, who in fact is a Lawyer. I came here once a week for 4 weeks and specialised in Conveyancing and International Laws.
St Brendans, like working at St Davids and St Christophers, has given me a chance to work with a range of different people and families. With healthcare being a difficult area of work, through time management and a significant amount of people not being able to work within this industry made it difficult at times, but persevered through this to make sure the quality of life for the Residents was fulfilled to the maximum.
people with a disease like this can come times be hard and can make you feel as if you're not doing things right, like not encouraging them to do activities they should be doing to keep their system going. With my communication skills I managed to learn lots about individuals living at this care home such as where they are from, what they did growing up etc. I learnt that using my initiative and communication skills I already had can help and encourage others to do things they wouldn't usually do to support them. To me this is a massive step forward for me and working with others.
As I was growing up, many people, and family members had noticed that I was a very photogenic person and my parents decided to take this further. At 12-/13, I found myself at a prestige modelling photoshoot whereby I had to take part in multiple photoshoots for different styles, and at the end, the photos were being sent to loads of contracts to see if they would accept or decline the way I Modelled. These photoshoots took place at Soho in London, which historically and still is the creative hub of London's West End with a vibrant mix of independent and concept fashion brands, tailors, record stores, restaurants and bars. Although I had been accepted into contracts with New Look, Sports Direct and Topshop, I did not take this any further as these shoots were far from home at the time, and at a young age, I had only just started Secondary school, made friends and settled in. Even though I did not go through with this, I still am in contact with my photographer if I ever change my mind, as this gave me a wider aspect to the fashion industry and taught me a lot about the media as well at a young age.