Retail-expert with leadership-competence in CEE-markets and a strong focus on business development and expansion
Lecture: E-Commerce, Platform Economy & Digital Sales
Project Lead: Roll Out of Male Fashion Store “Anson’s” in CEE Project Lead: Conception of Small P&C-Stores (1.500 - 2.500 m2 sales floor) Project Lead: Reorganization of Store Opening Processes Project Lead: Preparation of Market Entry of P&C in New Country (Confidential) Evaluation of More than 200 Cities in CEE Region
Change Management due to Restructuring Successful Implementing of Cost Cutting Initiatives Turnaround in Maria Hilfer Straße 2017: First Positive Sales Development since the Opening of the Second Store in Downtown Vienna
Verkaufscontrolling International
Herren Boss Shop im Weltstadthaus Wien Kärntnerstraße
Verkauf, Einkauf, Unterstützung HR-Marketing
Prozess- und Systemintegration im Bereich CRM, B2C, Sales