This position is ideal for an experienced luxury handbag / accessories professional who has had extensive experience with off price sales channels.
The ideal candidate will have built relationships with executive-level decision-makers in major Luxury and premium brands and can leverage this network to help secure more brands for this outlet e-store. It is likely you come from a background in reselling, buying, wholesale/e-wholesale, account management, and/or business development within luxury leather goods. You will also have a strong track record in the luxury handbag industry, working with off price/ re-sale channels.
The key is having a strong network within major Luxury and premium retailers, experience of business development and good knowledge of how e-commerce platforms and marketplaces function.
This opportunity is freelance, remote and flexible. Ideal work pattern to be 1 to 2 days a week consulting.
Ideally you would have experience/network from Vestiaire, Cudoni, TK Maxx, Vinted, Value retail, The Outnet, VeePee, The Real Real, Rellik, among others.
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